High-quality, licensed acupuncture in
our Private Clinic
and Medical Centre (GP practice)
in Sherburn Village, Durham
What is acupuncture
Acupuncture originated in China over 2,000 years ago. Over the last 50 years, much scientific research has been done to explain how acupuncture works. With the help of brain scans and blood tests, scientists discovered that acupuncture has a powerful effect on the brain. Acupuncture has been shown to rewire brain pathways and have a permanent healing effect.
The goal of acupuncture is to restore balance in your mind and your body so you can get back to living life to the full. It’s a very positive model of health and function; the physical, emotional, and mental are seen as interdependent and reflect what many people perceive as the connection between the different aspects of their lives. Acupuncture works to restore the free flow of Qi (vital energy) which may have been blocked by for example, emotional or physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury, or illness.
Ultra-fine, sterile needles are placed into specific acupuncture points on the body and once there, exert their effects to re-establish the free flow of Qi. Once the Qi starts to be rebalanced, the body’s natural healing response is triggered.
Meet the practitioner
I am passionate advocate of natural health and its place within healthcare in our modern life. My patients and clients are at the very heart of everything I strive to provide excellent care and deliver the the best possible results.
Angela Dougal
BSc (Hons), LicAc, DipObsGyn, MBAcC
BSc (Hons) Acupuncture
​Diploma in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Fertility
​Certificate in Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
​Member of the British Acupuncture Council
General information
Convenient facilities
Local GP Practice and our Private Clinic are located in Sherburn Village, Durham.
Licensed acupuncture
Local GP Practice and Private clinic
All consultations Face to Face
Fertility treatments for both partners
Chronic pain (NICE guidance recommended)
Value for money £45 up to 1 hour
Treating adults and children
80+ 5-Star Reviews
Parking, transport
Free parking.
Bus stop a few steps away.
Bus 64 & Bus 204A
Disability access
We have all the necessary facilities for people with disabilities.
Payment methods
Cash and card payments.
We speak English, Romanian, Russian languages.
Our Private Clinic and Medical Centre are located in Sherburn Village, Durham
Conditions seen
Back Pain
General, acute or chronic backache, back pain, lumbago, sciatica.
Neck Pain
Mechanical neck pain and stiffness.
Shoulder Pain
Frozen shoulder and other shoulder pain.
Elbow Pain
Tennis elbow, golfers' elbow, (epicondylitis).
Knee/Hip Pain
Hip and knee pain, general arthritis pain.
Rheumatic Pian
Joint and muscle pain.
Difficulties falling or staying asleep, disturbed sleep, waking tired.
Feeling low, lacking of joy in life.
Chronic or acute headaches and migraine prevention.
Stress, tension, anxiety, inability to relax.
Certain types of digestive problems.
Menopausal symptoms
Hot flushes, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, tiredness.
Inability to consive.
Skin Conditions
Certain skin conditions like shingles, acne, etc.
Period Pain
Crumps, pain during periods. Prolong, too short or absent periods.
Low or high pitch sound in the ear.
Chronic Fatigue
Lack og energy, getting tired very quickly.
Other Conditions
Please get in touch to see if we can help.
What our patients say
"I felt so relaxed and fell asleep during the cosmetic treatment."
Jane, Bishop Auckland
"I didn't believe in acupuncture. After my first session of auricular acupuncture for stress management, I noticed that I was much calmer the week after. Now I am hooked and have gone back for more. Highly recommend."
Marzena, Darlington
"I was nervous about acupuncture because had never had it before. I was so surprised that the whole procedure was painless!"
Elaine, Spennymoor
"A professional touch to heal my problem related to my back pain. Appreciate her genuine service. A thumb up to her knowledge and definitely recommend!"
Elena, Bowburn